8th House – Dirt, Treasure & Astral Piggy Bank
In previous post, I wrote about the importance of “purity” and of water being a carrier of all Rasas, which we experience via sensory organs in the 2nd house – Lakshmi Sthana.
Here, I will explore the spiritual power of “dirt” and of the 8th house, from where the waste material must be discarded and offered to Alakshmi, who shares many attributes with Jyeshtha & Dhumavati. Ketu – the invisible astral mouth, delights in the void & dark 8th house that can be said to be his “cafe-eatery”. Ketu savors the non-material remanence of every sensory experience.
A subtype of fiery bio-energy is called “Sadhak Pitta” which digests & assimilates emotions, similar to Ketu. This type of fire burns in “empty stillness”. Meditation is a form of “Sadhana” which can be translated as “tool/method/discipline to achieve union with God”. Post eliminating & prior to eating, is the sensory withdrawal period most ideal for traditional meditation.
2nd house relates to wealth & knowledge, while 8th house relates to treasure & occult knowledge. Mud & dirt-eating Pigs are the symbol of wealth in Feng Shui.
When we offer discarded materials to Goddess Alakshmi and withdraw all sensory activities in meditation, we are activating the beneficial side of Ketu & 8th house. Then she transforms our offerings into treasure & saves them in “Astral Piggy Bank” that rewards us upon ripening (sudden gains & occult insights).
Dirt is auspicious in its own way. Like we were nourished by Mother Earth, we also must give our “waste” back to Earth to recycle. What is waste to us is food for another organism.
It is our obligation to feed Alakshmi’s agents by putting dirt & scrap in their proper place, (out of our system & home) if we don’t, then they are attracted to us because we become an embodiment of Tamas – their preferred food, and so they eat our vitality for their survival, which causes sickness, poverty, losses, laziness & quarrels in our life.
Mula’s Yoni is Dog, one of the most loyal animals. If you feed a dog for a period of time, he is least likely to forget you and will bark at & bite your enemies in times of need. To fight & quarrel is Nirriti’s Dharma, she can either create fights within our relationships or she can fight with our enemies.
We can understand this better when we see how over-attachment leads to sluggish elimination, depression, and depletion in bodily health. We can consume the purest fruits & milk related to Lakshmi, but if we are unable to “let go” of the food digested, it generates ama/toxins, causing lethargy & tamas, which attract demonic spirits & decay of the 8th house.
In destructive magick, the targeted person’s dirty clothes etc are used in spells. This is why a spiritual aspirant will put emphasis on staying clean both in & out in order not to become possessed or harmed by darker forces.
Taurus is the natural 2nd house of wealth which occupies the North East direction called “Ishan” which literally translates into “wealth”.
Rohini’s one symbol is the Temple, which is most auspicious to be built in North-East direction as per Vastu.
Opposite NE is South-West, which is called “Nairutyaa” – direction ruled by Goddess Nirriti, the deity of Mula nakshatra.
South-West is the cusp between 8-9 houses. According to the unequal Nakshatra system, Mula starts in Scorpio at 20° 35’ & ends at 3° 45’ in Sagittarius. West of South-West is one of the most suited directions for lavatory as it is exactly where the Jyestha-Mula cusp falls.
Goddess Dhumavati is worshipped “away from home” in the cremation grounds mostly by single, widowed, or outcast people.
8th house determines our longevity. As our physical body consists of many bacteria, our astral body also consists of many “invisible” forces, both good and bad. Our immunity depends on the bacteria/forces/poisons we are able to assimilate into our physical & spiritual cosmos so that they become a part of us and protect us from foreign or negative influences of other bacteria & poisons.
In Ayurveda, “Vipaka” is a term used for final outcome of any Rasa/Food taste post digestion. Ketu is the cutter who cuts truth from falsehoods, he gives knowledge through hindsight.
For example, refined sugar may taste like Madhura/Sweet Rasa while we eat it and sweet is considered an anabolic taste in Ayurveda, but after digestion, it becomes Amla/Sour Rasa which is catabolic in nature, and refined sugars cause acidity, bone deterioration & dull skin. While Rock Sugar is considered sweet both – pre & post digestion and purifies the blood and imparts glow.
Vipaka is similar to knowledge gained through the 8th house, which strengthens the Bodhaka Kapha (Knowledge imparting juices in mouth) furthermore, co-related to the 2nd house. 2-8 axis gives total knowledge through sensorial experiences and their assimilation. Thus, Lakshmi & Alakshmi are understood to be the same Goddess in different costumes.