In reverence for the greatest gift, which is the physical body & human birth, my aspiration for this website is to illuminate the essence of health & beauty.
Venerating the nourishing potential within everything & cherishing the quintessence of beauty in any form she may be perceived – food, flowers, stars, animals, elements, humans, their creations & emotions.

The Alchemy

Astrologically, the intention and emotion behind any activity is a reflection of the combination of a particular planet placed in a particular astrological house/Bhava. The word “bhava” means both – intention & emotional state of being. 
From the word Bhava, are born “Bhavan” – dwelling/house and Bhavana – Emotions. 

Emotion is also called “Rasa” in Sanskrit. In theatrical performances, the 9 main moods/emotions are called “Nava-rasas”. Those 9 main emotions are activated by each of the 9 planets. 

The ideal Bhava/state of being is when we embody “Satya/Truth”, symbolized by Sun and his exaltation in Aries, the natural 1st house, the birthing of Spirit into Matter. The most nourishing Food/Rasa to consume is “Soma/Ambrosia” symbolized by Moon and her aspiration for beauty, marking her exaltation sign as Taurus, the natural 2nd house. This alludes to the marriage of the cosmic Father & Mother, Truth & Beauty. 

The day when Sun & Moon transit their exaltation signs (Bright 3rd lunar day of Vaishakha month) is celebrated as “Akshaya Tritiya”, Akshya meaning “without decay”.  On this day, starting any activity is said to bring granted victory, similarly, when our inner Sun & Moon are in total alignment, we are sure to achieve all our desires – material & spiritual. According to Rasa Hridaya Tantra, one who is not fit mentally, physically & emotionally cannot experience the blissful state of Samadhi. So, the first and last, end and beginning all depend on preparing the physical vessel and emotional senses for and under service to Truth & Beauty.

Every day, we consume many kinds of “food” through all our senses, which becomes part of our physical body & soul imprint eventually. It is the mystery behind the interplay of 1st & 2nd houses in astrology. We ultimately become all that we eat, think & feel.

“You are what you eat” goes deeper than just the food taken through the mouth, we are actually a combination of what we “consume” sensorially, mentally & emotionally. Our physical body (1st house) is the Shesh/Remainder of all things ever consumed (2nd house). 

My blogs and services are aimed at revealing the subtle qualities of literal and energetic “food” we eat and how it shapes us & manifests into our reality in obvious as well as abstract ways. That being said, once we know which seed is the DNA of a particular tree, we can then begin to sow the seeds of “fruits” we want to eat & enjoy. This is the simplest yet most profound way of understanding “Karma Phalam”, the fruits or results of karma.

The zodiac sign of Taurus governs the Ayureveda’s subtype of Kapha called “Bodhaka Kapha”, (Bodh means “to know”) as well as a subtype of Vata called – “Udana Vata” (Udana means “Upwards movement”). With their combination, 2nd house gives us knowledge of what we truly desire and the ability to manifest what we want to create.