The Illusion of Separateness
The goal behind all spiritual activities is to acknowledge & break the spinning wheel of unconscious mental + emotional patterns that keep us stuck in Samsara. Pain & suffering are born from the ignorance & illusion of the fruit being different from the seed, the reaction being different from the action. Invoking Ketu/South node gives freedom from suffering – Moksha.
“Inner Child” is a term in psychology, understood to be the personality created during primal developing years; 0-7. 7 years is also the Vimshottari Dasha period of Ketu.
The positive talents & childhood genius qualities as well as unconscious fears & trauma from childhood are both carried forward from our past lives. Ketu is all our experiences, lessons & talents. In positive light, Ketu wishes for its outer expression one last time, to exhaust the accumulated Karma & empty itself out through a perfect performance, the grand finale following the “Happy Ending” right before we dissolve into the infinite. It rules the passive emotion of nostalgia & is the crystal-clear inner vision granted during the brief moments when our dreams burn on a death pyre, soon after the smokey Rahu blows us with illusions, again.
Rahu, in positive light, is the electrical current, when he touches the passive Ketu, can make the unconscious conscious & bring it out. Rahu is the adult conscious mind, the power of infinite space & future, the “theatrical stage” of Maya where the performance of Ketu can take place. It holds the possibility to manifest the Kundalini Shakti.
Their union is the union of childhood’s emotional innocence with adult’s analytical protection & of feminine/intuition with masculine/intelligence.
Both Ketu & Rahu are Shadow planets. But the shadows they cast are different.
Ketu can cast the shadow of victimhood & trauma, while Rahu casts the shadow of lust & deception. Ketu can become stuck in self-loathing while Rahu in Narcissism. Ketu can get lost in the dark unconscious while Rahu in the vast infinite.
Every “abandoned” part of ourselves bleeds in the color of poison, speaks with the split serpentine tongue, using anger to hide vulnerability, boasting to hide insecurity.
When nodes malfunction, one starts to act like their opposite – “Hurt people, hurt people”. Creating more Karma that entangles the “Red thread of fate” furthermore with every negative emotional reaction coming from the ego.
In negative light, a victim desiring revenge turns into the guilty one himself. Hence the endless rebirths, endless repetition of the same mistakes from different ends, just changing roles between victim & villain, again & again.
With every step taken forward for bringing closure to the battle between self & the other, one moves equally backward while trying to get “square”. The square is then understood to be the “circle” – the wheel of Karma that serves Roga (Consequences) & Bhoga (Rewards) from time to time, but leaving out the ‘Yoga” or unity, possible only through complete surrender to the will of God & righteous actions.

The birth star of Rahu, Bharani, and of Ketu, Ashlesha both fall under the same Gotra / Lineage of Sage Vashistha. Arundhati & Vashistha are a twin-star couple, located as Mizor & Alcor in the constellation of Ursa Major.
Unlike many other twin star systems where one star is stationary & the other rotates around it, Arundhati & Vashistha magnetically dance around each other rhythmically.
Ashlesha, ruled by Nagas is the birth star of Lord Krishna’s elder brother Balarama, whose other name is “Saṅkarṣaṇa / संकर्षण” – the equal attraction, while “Kṛṣṇa/कर्षण” is the root word for attraction. Ashlesha is that form of attraction intelligence, the most powerful Kundalini Shakti.
When mind/Rahu & body/Ketu are connected, we call it “Yoga/Union” of Shiva & Shakti.
“Cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vriksha”
– Brahma Samhita
As are the seeds in the mind, so are the fruits blossoming into our reality.